VT Options

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 04:10 am administrator

This screen allows you to adjust various emulation settings for the AbsoluteTelnet application, as follows:

This screen allows you to adjust various emulation settings for the AbsoluteTelnet application, as follows:

Backspace Mapping This option maps either the backspace (BS) key or the Delete (DEL) key for backspacing on the terminal.

Screen Size This option allows you to configure specific row and column size settings. This setting automatically updates, when you stretch or shrink the terminal window with the mouse.

Mousing The mousing option gives you the ability to specify how the application reacts when it is in the focus of the mouse. If "Windows Mousing" is checked, then the user must click on the application window to to gain focus. However, if "X Mousing" is checked, the application automatically recieves focus when the mouse is over it. It will then accept keyboard input.

Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008 10:17 pm