Global Options

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 04:14 am administrator
This properties tab allows you to configure some aspects of the application. These settings will be reflected throughout all of your connection files.

Version Checking This program automatically goes out to the Celestial Software website to detect whether a newer version has been released. The "Ignore Version XXX and below" checkbox forces the application to ignore checking for version XXX and below, when it performs its version checking task.
Behavior This section allows you to adjust various application defaults. Upon first use of the application, you will be prompted to set some of these defaults. These options do not have to be configured permanently. If the "Prompt" option is checked, the application will ask you configuration questions, upon opening every connection file.

  • "Close application on disconnect" - This checkbox forces the application to close upon disconnect. If enabled, it will close whether the user closes the connection or whether the remote host closes it.
  • "Allow close while connected" - This option allows the user to close the application, while still connected to the remote host.
  • "Connect on open" - When this option is checked, the application automatically connects upon openning any connection file.
  • "Save on exit" - If this checkbox is enabled, the application automatically saves the connection file's current settings upon exiting.
  • "Make this program the default telnet" - This modifies Windows settings to allow this program to be the default Windows program for telnet connections.
Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008 10:13 pm