Connection Options

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 04:16 am administrator
This program is versitile in its connection options. This screen allows the user to alter the various connectivity settings for the current connection file as follows:

Telnet Settings

  • "Hostname" - This is the IP address or hostname of the connection.
  • "Port" - This is the port specified for connection to the server. For telnet connections, the default falue for this field is 23.

Modem Settings This program supports Microsoft Telephony.

  • "Country" - The country the application is dialing.
  • "Area" - This is the area code of the number the application is dialing.
  • "Phone" - The telephone number the application is dialing.

COM port SettingsThis program supports direct COM port connections.

SSH Settings This program supports SSH settings.

Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008 10:11 pm