
extra row of tabs a...
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extra row of tabs after new tab created

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I just started using AbsoluteTelnet (v 8.14, with tabs), and I like it quite a bit, but I do have one anomaly to report. When I create a new tab for an ssh session in a window (via File-->New-->Tab), I suddenly get a duplicate row of tabs near the top of my window (reducing the number of rows available for text. When I click one of the tabs, the extra row goes away, and all is as it should be. This only happens if the tab is for an ssh session -- not for a telnet session. Well, to be more accurate, it happens briefly for a telnet session, but it fixes itself in a fraction of a second. And it only happens when I am suppressing display of the tool bar.

This is with Windows XP.

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How many tabs do you have open? An extra row is always created when the new tab won't fit on the current row. Is it possible this is what is happening? A lot of it can have to do with the width of the tab text, rather than the connection type. As tab names are created/adjusted, the tab width can change, causing shifting.

Can you send me a screen snapshot so I can see what is going on?


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This happens even if I've just added a second tab.

The extra row appears above the real tab row, where the tool bar would appear if I had tool bars enabled. If I leave it there, sometimes it gets filled up with other garbage, e.g. the content of another window that had overlaid the AbsoluteTelnet window. So it's not really an extra tab row: it's just the leftover image of the original tab row.

I'm attaching a PDF file with "before", "during", and "after" views of an afflicted window.

Thank you.

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The forum software wouldn't upload the PDF file promised in my earlier post, so now I'm going to try a Word file. [file name=AT_extra_tabs_row.doc size=77824] [/file]

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It's as though one part of the software is assuming that the tool bar is there, so it's shifting everything down to make room for it. But, since the tool bar not supposed to be there, other parts of the software are not paintiing it, so that area is just being filled with whatever garbage happens to be lying aroung (the old tabs, then the fragment of an overlaying window). Until eventually I click on one of the tabs, and the software suddenly realizes that it shouldn't be making room for the tool bar, and it shifts everything back up, and all is fine.

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Yes, I see. And, I've reproduced the problem.

Thanks, and I'll get to work on it. I should have a solution by tomorrow.

