Is it possible to use this product as a command line equivalent to the ssh command in Linux? A Windows alternative I have used is PLINK that comes with PuTTY but it is not FIPS 140-2 validated. So, I need a way to kick this off from the command line without invoking GUIs or keymapping. Basically I need to automate things so they run from the OS.
Randall W. (USEC Inc. License)
No command line, not yet.
There is an ActiveX interface, so quite a bit can be done by controlling Absolute via ActiveX.
What exactly are you trying to do?
Hi Brian
Any move forward on the command line options ?
I would like basic command line options ie "SSH" "Host" Username" Password" used with the global default settings In order to store the connections and User/password in Keepass
In Keepass you can specify a URL such as :
cmd://C[colon]Dropboxrdp.exe /v:HOST /u:USERNAME /p[colon]PASSWORD
When to click "Open URL" this runs the RDP client and connects using the passed parameters
any chance of something like this (or a workaround)
Would be great to delete my tnt files and put it all into an encrypted file
In case you did'nt know