error is
disconnected: failed to negotiate remote host key algorithm, I am attempring to connect to a SSH2 host on solaris 8 Sparc, available cyphers are RSA1 RSA2 and DES on the Sun/Sparc
The error message you are getting does *not* mean that you and the host do not have a compatible set of encryption algorithms. If the client and the host cannot agree on an encryption method, you will get the message:
'disconnected: failed to negotiate client to server encryption algoritm'
The message you are receiving indicates that the server and the client are not able to agree on a key algorithm.
Check to make sure that you have a dsa host key defined. For OpenSSH, this can typically be found at /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key, but the location is configurable in your sshd_config file under the 'HostKey' variable.
Knowing the IP address of the server would help me diagnose your specific problem better.
Hi Brian,
Here is the message I got. And I upgraded to v10.15. I had the same issue before the upgrade.
Connecting to
attempting Success!
disconnected: failed to negotiate client to server encryption algorithm
When I use Putty, it connected no issue.
Please help.
Hi Brian,
I got the same error, currently on version 10.15. See error below:
"Connecting to
attempting Success!
disconnected: failed to negotiate client to server encryption algorithm"
The system works fine with Putty.
Please help.
That means the list of encryptions available in Absolute and the list of encryptions available on your server have no common methods. For starters, lets make sure all available encryption options are enabled.
Look at Options->Properties->Connection->SSH2->Encryption->Preferred Cipher Order.
In this control, cipher preference is established and also cipher state (enabled/disabled) If you push a cipher very low in the list, below the "algorithms below this line are disabled" line, it will be disabled. Make sure as many algorithms as possible are enabled and try again.
If this still doesn't work, I may have you generate some debug information for me to look at (options->properties->connection->ssh2->Options->enable tracing
I suppose it would be nice if I displayed the list of acceptable server algorithms when this error is encountered.
Let me know what happens and we'll work from there.
Hi Brian,
I added one by one, and determined to add "AES 128 ctr" to get to work.
Do you know why it would have been disabled? Normally all of these are enabled, but can of course be changed by the user.