
SFTP default direct...
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SFTP default directory

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First of all, I just wanted to say that I just downloaded Absolute and I love it so far.

One thing I'm having a problem with is when I launch SFTP it always starts in "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Michael\\My Documents".

I go into options and set the default download directory to "C:\\web pages" but that has no effect when I launch SFTP.

Is this just a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Other than that I love this so far, thanks a million.

Mike Rogers

[size=1][ December 14, 2007, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Thanks for the post Mike. I'm glad you like the new feature.

Honestly, none of the options on Options->Properties->Transfer affect SFTP at all. Those are for the xmodem/ymodem/zmodem types of transfers. It makes sense, though, to link the "Download Directory" to the default folder opened in the 'local' pane of the SFTP transfer dialog.

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll see if I can get that into the next release!



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You are welcome, I love the tabbed feature most. That's why I started using Firefox so long ago ( one of the big reasons, plus the obvious security, etc ).

Ok, I had a feeling that was the case, but wanted to double check, thanks a ton.

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Adding a way to set the default local directory for SFTP would be incredibly useful.

My "My Documents" directory is rather large, for a number of reasons, so it takes forever when I click the SFTP button.

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Yea I was really hoping to see that in this new release also.

Also I have discovered a totally unrelated true bug that you will probably want to know about. It's kind of sensitive, so I will try to PM you about this Brian.


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Ok, Ok... I've got a new beta that changes SFTP so that it respects the default download setting defined in the file transfer properties dialog. Let me know what you think:


<old link removed> Please download version 6.21 or newer.

This post was modified 5 months ago by bpence

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Have you been able to try the new beta with the default download directory for SFTP?


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Tried it and I like it a lot, thanks a ton. I'll be purchasing my copy asap!

Got your PM also, thanks, just wanted to make sure you were aware of that.

There are things I'd love to see in the SFTP that would be cool eventually but only wants and not needs, so if you are bored and looking for things to add ( LOL ):

List of Favorite folders for on the server that I can just drop down and goto quickly.

When you transfer things and goto overwrite them, an overwrite all option so you don't have to hit it a hundred times.

Maybe a log at the bottom showing whats happening/what happened and transfer rates, etc.

I did like these feature on the old SSH Secure Shell I used to use. But that's only on SFTP, your main prog is 100 times better!!!


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I'm running 6.28 - in my environment I use a set (five, actually) of VMWare virtual PCs because I VPN a lot. Because of some of our customer's requirements some of the VPN connections cause me to lose access to my local network resources. I normally run AbsoluteTelnet from "my" network drive (it's a share on my desktop that I publish to the VMWare machines) - when I use one of the restricted VPNs I start from a local drive. I've noticed that if I fire up the sftp client (which is way cool, by the way) there seems to be some combination where the default PC directory is unavailable (from a previous restricted session, perhaps), and if I try to navigate using the "up" icon at the top of the sftp window it'll crash AbsoluteTelnet. I can type a drive letter into the address box and it will work just fine, so there is a workaround. The crashing is unfortunate, because it takes all the tabbbed connections along as well.

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I just hing my client (rather than crashing - same difference, I suppose). I have several local files to push to my server (HP/UX, if it matters). At first I tried selecting several files (Ctrl-A didn't seem to work, so I clicked one then SHIFT-Click to get a bunch) but as soon as I started to drag them the client disappeared. If I move a single file, then grab a bunch, it seems to work. During the transfer the target window went blank, and when I tried to navigate out it hung. Still, I'm not changing software - this is still most excellent!

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Cecil, I believe both of those problems are addressed in the (soon to be released) 7.14 verion. You can grab it here:

<old link removed> Please download version 7.14 or newer.

Let me know how it works for you. Brian

This post was modified 5 months ago by bpence

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So far, so good. The CTRL-A doesn't work (in case that was something you were working on) but it hasn't crashed yet, and the select multiple files works just find. I'll have to wait until the next occurrance of the unavailable drive to see if the navigation works.

Well done!

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You're right. Ctrl-A does nothing. Never did. It is something I can think of adding, though.

As for the crash, time will tell... I feel pretty confident, though, that those two issues were completely addressed in the 7.14 release.

To simulate the 'missing directory', you could try the following to recreate the issue:

1. Create a temporary folder, navigate to it in the SFTP dialog
2. Exit SFTP
3. Using windows explorer, remove the folder
4. Start SFTP

Prior to version 7, this would recreate the problem you had. The local directory would be blank, and attempts at navigation would bomb. In 7.14 and above, this is handled more gracefully.

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Did you notice that in yoour source window it doesn't show the size for files with a zip extension?

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That's because on some platforms a zip file looks like a folder. And I don't show sizes for folders. For example, if you double-click a regular file, it will start the SFTP transfer to the remote side. However, if you double-click a zip file, it will navigate into it as if it were a folder.

The same behavior can be seen in a windeows explorer folder. With a zip file, you have two options: 'Open' and 'Explore'. 'Open' will open it as a file. 'Explore' will open it as a folder.

Most of these display and navigation behaviours are defined by and inherited from the Windows shell interface. I'll have to look a bit close to see how best to display these items.

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