
Windows 95 and Kore...
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Windows 95 and Korean

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2 problems i need urgent help with:

Installed AbsoluteTelnet 3.85 on Win98SE a few days ago - the aim, to use SSH to log into a host displaying Korean data.

Modified settings as follow:
Options->Properties->Appearance page set the character set ("translation") to "Korean (EUC)", and the only available font is "GulimChe". All other settings unchanged - ie. program defaults.

Result: Korean language characters Not Displayed.

Installed AbsoluteTelnet 3.85 on Win95b today - the goal to use SSH to log into a host displaying Korean data, as above.

Near the end of the installation process, installation freezes with an error message -
ws2_32.dll not found

Result: Could not run the program.

Would appreciate any help at all - our primary goal is to use AbsoluteTelnet on Win95b to display Korean.

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I hope I can help! AbsoluteTelnet offers excellent international data support. Better than most. I pride myself on making it consistent across all versions of Windows as well, which is not an easy task. Newer versions of Windows contain better built-in support for international data, but we should be able to get what you want. For your first question, I went back and did some validation using Korean data on English Win98. I *did* find an issue where in certain conditions the correct character set was not being selected and Korean characters would show up as little boxes, even though the proper font was selected. This issue did not come up on WinNT/2000/XP, nor was it a problem on Korean Win98. However, English Win98 would not work. I've got a fix for that in the new beta, which you can download here: 

Beta Testing

So, as long as your data is truely EUC encoded Korean, this should now work. If you still have issues, let me know. For your second problem, AbsoluteTelnet requires the Winsock2 upgrade on Win95. It's uncommon for Win95 to *not* have this already. Usually some other package has already installed it. You can get this update from Microsoft here:

<broken link removed>


I'm glad I could help. Please keep me posted as to your progress.

This post was modified 9 months ago 2 times by bpence

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Hey! I've been working today with Geoffrey Halsted on this issue as well. In addition to the character set issue I uncovered in RC9, there is also an additional tweak necessary. In previous versions of Absolute, there was only one encoding supported for Korean (EUC-KR). This works great with Korean Windows 98/ME, as well as WinXP, but not for English Win98. English Windows 98 doesn't talk EUC-KR. Instead, English Windows 98 understands CP949 (Korean ANSI/OEM) for Korean. Luckily, CP949 is a superset of EUC-KR, so it shouldn't matter which you use. I've added an additional translation setting for CP949 in the new beta: 

Beta Testing

CP949 is the only Korean translation that will work in English Win98. If you choose the other, you'll get an error message. I should probably provide a way to disable (or at least gray out) the encodings that are not OS supported. Give the new version a shot and let me know how it works for you. Brian

This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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Thank you Brian for all your help so far.

The new version of AbsoluteTelnet with the new Korean codepage (Korean ANSI/OEM) now works on Win98.

However, i haven't been able to try it on Win95b, as i haven't had a successful installation.

using the information you provided, i decided to install the following on 2 Win95 PCs :

) Winsock2 upgrade from MS
) MS Global IME 5.02 Korean with the Language Pack (komondo.exe)
) AbsoluteTelnet3.86RC10.exe

) Still could not install AbsoluteTelnet successfully (see error details below);
) However, when i tried the program called PuTTY it worked (ie. viewing Korean language characters). (PuTTY had not worked correctly before now). This gives us a lot of confidence that it will work using AbsoluteTelnet, if we sort out the installation errors.

Here are the errors i got on the first Win95 PC:

(1)Window title: Error
Unable to execute file:
C:\\Program Files\\AbsoluteTelnet\\Program\\AbsoluteTelnet.exe
Create process failed; code 1157
One of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found.

(2)Window title: Error starting program
A required .DLL file, IPHLPAPI.dll was not found.

(3)Window title: Error
Unable to execute file:
C:\\Program Files\\AbsoluteTelnet\\Program\\AbsoluteTelnet.chm
ShellExecute failed; code 31

Here are the errors i got on the second Win95 PC:

(1)Window title: Regsvr32
(illegal operation type error)
Details: Regsvr32 caused an invalid page fault in module ITSS.dll

(2)Window title: Error starting program
AbsoluteTelnet.exe file linked to missing export TAPI32.dll: line TranslateDialogA

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Gina.

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I'm glad it's working now on Win98. However, I can't say I've had much demand these days for Win95, so support for that platform may have gotten a little lax. I'll have to do some more validation there.

Are you sure that you still have customers using that platform? Not even Microsoft supports Win95 any more.


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believe it or not, we have about 35 PCs in our call centre running Win95, and probably another 35 running DOS6 - and they're very stable with the apps we currently use. 😉

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Ok, I've got the answer for you. In order for the Korean to work properly on Win95, you'll have to be using the new beta: 

<broken link removed>

BUT FIRST , the following updates will have to be applied to Win95 before you even install AbsoluteTelnet....

TAPI21 update for Win95 <broken link removed> or, if you need the self installing exe (my win95 doesn't have zip utilities) <broken link removed>

WINSOCK2 update for Win95

<broken link removed>

InternetExplorer 5.5

<broken link removed>

Korean IME and Lanugage support <broken link removed> (product updates)

It has been reported that Absolute will work with only IE5.0 installed, but if you're doing anything with international characters sets or IME, you'll want 5.5 so you can get the language packs from

<broken link removed>

The installer still generates a regsvr32 error, which I'm investigating, but the install completes anyway and the application runs at least as well as it does on win98. Give it a go and let me know how it works. Brian

This post was modified 9 months ago 2 times by bpence

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Were you able to try the recommendations in my prior post?

