
SSH:Forwarding Setu...
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SSH:Forwarding Setup

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I am trying to setup a new connection in Absolute Telnet.

When the connection setup screen opens, a window pops up to setup "SSH:Forwarding Setup". No matter I what I try, I can't get rid of the window. I have to manually end the process to close the program.

Any ideas on how to get rid of this window?

[size=1][ March 01, 2005, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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You are the second person to report this problem in the last 6 months. First, a few questions:

1. Which version of Absolute are you using?
2. Which version of Windows are you using?
3. Has Absolute always done this to you or is this a new problem?


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I am using version 3.13.

I didn't have the problem when I first installed the program.

A month or so ago, I downloaded and installed the newest version of the program thinking it was a free upgrade, but it turned out it wasn't. So, i posted a message to the support discussion board and you sent me a link to download the previous version that I originally had. I installed that version (3.13) and have had the problem since.

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Which version of Windows?


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Windows XP Pro (service pack 2)

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Is this any particular international version of XP? The reason I ask is that the *one* other time I saw this problem it was with Swedish Windows XP. I was never able to reproduce or pinpoint the problem and no meaningful resolution was ever achieved.

This issue *seems* to revolve around Windows XP Themes or 'Visual Styles' causing unwanted interactions with the dialog box. Do you use any third-party add-on themes? If you're not sure, the answer is probably 'no'. To be sure, right-click on the Windows desktop, click 'properties', then look at the options on the 'theme' dialog. XP comes with a few built-in themes and more third-party themes can be added. Which theme is chosen on your PC?

Would it be OK if I sent you a special version of Absolute that would log additional information as you run the program? This will help me because you can mail back details of the problem that will help me pinpoint a solution.

I appreciate the bug report and your willingness to provide more information! If we are able to track down this bug and ZAP it, I'd gladly upgrade your license to the most recent version of the software at no charge!

Thanks again for your help!


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Did you get my last message?

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Sorry, I was out of town this weekend.

It is a normal USA version of Windows XP. I don't have any third party add ons or special themes setup. My current theme is "Windows XP (Modified)". I've changed the setup of the options that appear when I click on the Start button, thats about it.

Sure, I'd be willing to use the special version. Just let me know what I need to do with it.

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Adam, I've got a quick test for you...

1. On the desktop, right->click and choose 'properties'

2. Go to the themes tab

3. Press the 'save as' button and save your current theme settings as 'Adam's Theme' (probably saved as "adams' theme.theme" in your MY_DOCUMENTS folder.

4. Still at the themes tab, choose 'Windows XP' as your new theme to reset all display attributes to their defaults.

5. Try AbsoluteTelnet again and see if it displays the same bad behavior you saw before.

6. If AbsoluteTelnet now behaves, revert to "Adam's theme" and see if the bad behavior returns.

7. Mail "Adam's theme.theme" to me for further inspection.



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Still have the same problem when I switch to the Windows XP default theme.

Want me to still send the "Adams Theme" file? Where should I send it?

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It couldn't hurt to send it. I was hoping, though, that by reverting to default settings, Absolute would correct itself. Then, peering into 'Adam's them' might reveal the setting that Absolute is having trouble with.

Anyway, mail it to (bpence at

Another thing.... Can you let me know what version of comctl32.dll your system has? You can do this by navigating to the c:\windows\system32 directory. Find the comctl32.dll file and right-click it, then click the 'version' tab. Let me know what the 'file version' is as well as the 'product version'.



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I will email the file shortly.

The version of comctl32.dll is 5.82.2900.2180

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There goes my list of easy possible solutions. I'll have to get you a debug version tonight.

Thanks for helping out!!


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Adam, I've created a version that will give me a little more insight into this problem. Please download it and give it a try.

Beta Testing

This version is a debug version and will be writing to a logfile while you run it. Go into the app and choose Options->Properties and try to recreate the problem you're having with the forwarding dialog. When the dialog shows, do your best to close it down (repeatedly). If you still can't get it down, kill the app. Now, you should find a logfile (c:\\logfileW.doc) and mail it to me. Thanks for your assistance!!!


This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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Have you had a chance to give the debug version a shot?


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