
Connection problem
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Connection problem

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Just started using this product and I am running into a problem. We get the following error when we try to run our executable.

DISPLAY not set. Please set the DISPLAY and try again. We believe the display is set correctly but still get this message.

We can run this fine from other terminal programs. Any idea's / suggestions?

Thanx in advance


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Joined: 11 months ago
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First, make sure you're using either SSH1 or SSH2 in Options->Properties->Connection

AbsoluteTelnet *does* support X Display forwarding, but you must be running some sort of X display software on your local machine. You'll probably want to use something like Exceed or try the shareware XWin32. If you believe you have the X server set up correctly, check the state of the 'X Forwarding' flag in Options->Properties->Connection->Forwarding. It should be set. If it is not, set it and disconnect/reconnect and try again. With this feature enabled, your DISPLAY variable should be set automatically. Do *not* attempt to change it as this will most likely cause everything to fail, or at least bypass the X forwarding.

Using this feature, X data is transparently tunneled through the secure channel your SSH session provides. From the UNIX server's point of view, the X display is on the UNIX box. From your X server's point of view, the X requests are coming from the PC running AbsoluteTelnet, so you may have to set the security accordingly. In this way, you can bypass a lot of security/firewall/blocking issues associated with most (non-local) network connections.

The above method is *very* different from setting a simple DISPLAY value in a telnet session. With telnet, the only option is to point the DISPLAY variable back at your PCs IP address and that only works if the routing/firewalling allows the server to address your machine directly.
