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Tabs and Windows

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Just downloaded the new tabbed version, and I am liking it already, but I did have one thought right away - I would like to be able to have tabs AND new windows (yes I am greedy).

I administer a lot of servers, and try to get some development done at the same time, so I have all kinds of different things going on, all at the same time, I more or less have kept myself sane with virtual desktops, but being able to have multiple ssh connection windows each with the potential for multipe tabs would be supremely useful for me.

So - I want my cake and want to eat it too 🙂

This is how firefox works, where ctrl+n is a new window, and ctrl+t is a new tab. Most of the time I only need one window with a pile of tabs, but sometimes it is great to have both.

An example of where I really find this kind of behavior important is keeping tail's of certain logs running throughout the day, I can keep that connection open in it's own virtual desktop and just page over to it to take a look at how things are looking really easily and hop back to the project I am working on.

My thirst for ssh connections knows few bounds and I easily spike up over 12 different connections between two different computers throughout the day, if absolute telnet could do both tabbing and new window functionality I would be on cloud 9.

(If it already does this, and I'm just missing it, feel free to mock away, and I'll try to take my beating gracefully)

Thanks for all you do Brian!

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There's no menu item to do it, but you can always start a new instance of AbsoluteTelnet from the start->Programs menu.

Perhaps I could add another option on the File->New menu so you can have both File->New->Tab and File->New->Window.

It's something to think about anyway.

Thanks for the feedback!


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The workaround certainly does the trick - thanks for passing that on!

As for a longer term solution, I think you are on the right track, something like what you describe as an additional file menu option would be fantastic.

Would potentially eliminate the need to ask the question on install of whether you want 'classic' or 'tabbed', it would let the user decide as they ran it - if only one window it could act like classic, if you add a tab, flip modes. (I look to firefox for all my UI inspiration 🙂 )

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Brilliant work.. but i do have one request.

Is it possible to have 'live' versions of tabbed sessions, on the first tab, rather than just a snapshot?

This feature would be great when monitoring multiple scripts.


[size=1][ October 18, 2006, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: RoadRunner ][/size]

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I could probably add a timer to refresh it every second or so. This would give the illusion of being 'live' but it would still be read-only snapshots(no interactivity).


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Yes, timer would be great.


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I'm a long-time AT user, and like the new tabbed interface - a lot. I strongly agree that a Firefox-like way to either open a new tab or open a new window is needed. I just saw a write-up on a tool called Ponderosa, a terminal program for Cygwin. It also features a tabbed interface, but allows users to split the window into multiple panes so they can be seen all at once. I think this would be a fantastic addition to AT. <broken link removed>

This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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i tried for the first time using tabs in one AT (v5.06) window. i use AT for connecting to NetApp filer serial consoles (using a USB to serial converter) from my notebook. i also log the session to a text file.
when i opened two tabs and connected to COM6 and COM7, i could only use one console. the 2nd session would stop responding. i had to then revert to using AT the v4 way by opening two AT sessions and connecting each session to a respective COM port.
Any reason why this is the case ?

Also, I agree with RoadRunner - a timer for the tabbed sessions page would be great (as long as I can get multiple COM port console connections working 😀

[size=1][ October 25, 2006, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: bashir ][/size]

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Can you open both a serial and a non-serial connection at the same time? In other words, is the problem strictly isolated to opening two serial connctions at once?

Thanks for the report!


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I also like this new TAB feature a lot, but I wonder if someone managed to change from tab to tab using the keyboard (not the mouse) ?
The usual CTRL-TAB key combination remains unsuccessful...

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Originally posted by Brian T. Pence:
Can you open both a serial and a non-serial connection at the same time? In other words, is the problem strictly isolated to opening two serial connctions at once?

Thanks for the report!



I will have to try this next week as I am currently on leave. Will post a reply with results on Tuesday (Aus time)

Thanks for the quick response.


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Originally posted by Brian T. Pence:
Can you open both a serial and a non-serial connection at the same time? In other words, is the problem strictly isolated to opening two serial connctions at once?

Thanks for the report!


Hi Brian,

I have completed the test you requested.
If I have one COM port opened and a telnet or SSH session, it all works fine in tabbed views.
If I have two COM port connections, then I get the issues.
So it does look like it only affects when trying to access two serial connections at once.
I even created new connection files (instead of using the v4 connections files i had previously created for the serial ports) and the issue was still there.

I'll stick to just open two sessions of AT until a fix is available.

Thanks again,

[size=1][ October 30, 2006, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: bashir ][/size]

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I've been working on this. Can you try this version:

Beta Testing

This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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Just to clarify what's new in 5.07..

I added the file->New window, as per Neil's request

I added a 1-second refresh to the preview tab as per RoadRunner's request

Fixed the serial problem (I think)

added control-tab and shift-control-tab to navigate the tabs.

Modified several other tab related thingies not mentioned in this post.

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I have just started using the tabbed interface and I must say it's a step in the right direction to tidying up the loads of AT windows I normally have.

However I also agree that some degree of distinction between what is tabbed and what is not is required. I always start AT by using the excellent Launchy to select a .tnt file by name so I don't go through the File->New menu at all. What I would _really_ like is a configuration option to let you choose between the following 3 options

1) All new connections in their own window
2) All new connections in their own window if not existing instance of that connection exists, otherwise in a new tab
3) All new connections as a tab in the last AT window

This would let me choose (2) and thus every time I connect to host A it would group it with the other connections to that host, and likewise for host B. So I would end up with as many AT windows as hosts I am connecting to, but in each window there may be several connections to that host. At the moment I just have gone from loads of AT windows to loads of AT tabs and it isn't really any more organised.

Thanks for reading,


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