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[Solved] Constantly getting a message about modified file

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AT v11.35 It's highly annoying because I don't make any changes. 🙁

The current connection file has been modified and has not been saved. Do you want to save this file before you exit?


This post was modified 10 months ago 3 times by bpence

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It can be a bit non-obvious because in some circumstances, Absolute may be remembering SIZE and POSITION if configured to do so, and you might be changing things that it has to save even when you don't realize it.

Some options...

On options->Properties-> appearance, under 'size and behavior', choose 'fixed' number of rows/columns (so they don't change)

Also on options->Properties->appearance under 'display options', disable 'remember position'.

Now, File->Save so these options are saved, then see if you still get prompted.

If all else fails, change the save option so you're not prompted:

On the global options menu, change 'save on exit' from 'prompt' to 'yes'

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To support this, I'm also considering a 'what changed' option so Absolute can be made to tell you why it's prompting you to 'save'. This could at the very least confirm that it's the size, position, or something else.

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Thank you for explaining about how it works or is supposed to work. I do have it set for "fixed". I'm almost always using the tab interface so it never seemed like I would need to enable remembering the position; as a result I leave it at the default of disabled. If I'm understanding your explanation correctly, with "fixed" and remember position disabled, this should mean I wouldn't trigger the connection file being modified -- do I have this right?

To support this, I'm also considering a 'what changed' option so Absolute can be made to tell you why it's prompting you to 'save'. This could at the very least confirm that it's the size, position, or something else.

This would be excellent if it could tell me what changed. I acknowledge that there is a global option to not prompt to save but I'd rather know what I changed. Sometimes I might change something temporarily that I wouldn't want to save.

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I was working on this issue yesterday, and did indeed find some situations where I was being prompted to save when I shouldn't. Things being identified as changed that weren't, and things actually changing when they shouldn't. I should have something to look at soon. Stay tuned.


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Try this update:'

This should do a bit better determining what changes need to be saved and which don't, resulting in fewer alerts that things have been 'modified'

Give it a try and let me know.

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I'm eager to try the changes out, but I'm hesitant to install it as setup wants to put it in "C:\Program Files\AbsoluteTelnet" for all users, which seems to imply it is the 64 bit version. Could you instead attach the 32 bit version to this thread for VBScript compatibility? I'd like to minimize any potential differences between 32 and 64 during my testing.

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Yes, you’re right. For testing, I only built the 64 bit version. And no the 64 bit version doesn’t support scripting. Sadly. Give me a sec and I’ll build it out and upload it.

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Here's the 32-bit version:


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When I launch after installing, I get the message:

You are using AbsoluteTelnet version 11.39 release candidate 1. This is a fully functional version of AbsoluteTelnet but will expire on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. The release candidate program is intended to provide previews of future versions of software in an attempt to iron out bugs before delivery of the final product. It is not indended for permanent installation or for general distribution. Please report any bugs you may find in this program.

I've made sure my system's clock is correct (it is) but AbsoluteTelnet is acting like the temporary license has already expired in advance of the 08/30/2023 -- I'm not able to connect to anything and the title bar says:


Is the RC1 64 bit version the only one that is fully functional until 08/30/2023?

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There's TWO different limits at play here.

1. The 'release candidate' is a hard expiration on August 30. This gives me the ability to send out short-lived temporary "Release Candidate" versions of Absolute for testing purposes only.

2. Your license.... "unregistered evaluation - 0 days left" This is based on when you purchased your license, how many of the original demo days you used and whether the current version is covered by the license free upgrade period. Each license purchase comes with free upgrades to any version released within one year of the purchase date. From my records, your last purchase was in 2021, so this version isn't covered as 'free' so it's going to try to prompt you into purchasing an upgrade.

But for your efforts in reporting bugs and testing for me, I'll gladly send you a FREE pro license. Just send me an email and I'll send it to you today. That'll let you test this version and download any new version for the next year!! With my thanks....



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Thank you in advance for your generosity -- email sent as requested. 😀

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I sent the license yesterday. Can you confirm you received it?

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got it -- thank you! -- have started testing and will report back when I have something for you

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Here's 11.39 RC2 with a few additional tweaks, mostly addressing issues with problems during shutdown.


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