
Problem with 3.5 an...
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Problem with 3.5 and QNX terminal

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I just upgraded to 3.5 (2004.12.16) and I found that the arrow keys, along with Del, Ins, Home, End, PgUp and PgDn are not working anymore, either on extended or numeric pad. The qnx side receives ?? from those keys. The configuration seems to be the same:
Translation = CP437
Terminal = qnx
What happend?

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Try this update:

Beta Testing


This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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That worked fine up to now. I received the massage for upgrading to 3.8 and I clicked on "later" and now all arrow keys, and function keys are not working. I installed 3.8 and same result: what I am doing wrong?

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You're saying that 3.50 broke QNX, then 3.62 fixed it and 3.80 broke it again?

Is that right?


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Well, I removed the whole installation of AbsoluteTelnet from my computer (including directories and entries in the registry) and then installed it again... and it works perfectly!!!

Unless I get any other reasonable explanation, clicking on "later" when the upgrade window shows, corrupts the QNX connection.

If I had the time I will try that somewhere else...

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Would you describe the problem as the same as before, where you would get ?? when you pressed the keys, or the keys just didn't work and didn't send anything?


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No the problem was a little different; this time arrow down was a "!" and arrow up was a ")" other arrows and other editing keys gave me other characters which I do not remember. Also it did not advance the cursor i.e. pressing many times the arrow up key will give only one ! in the screen.

By the way Brian, I like your product a lot! The best arround, whish there was something like it for WinCE.

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I'm just checking in to see if you ever had a recurrence of this problem. Please let me know.

I also wanted to let you know that I've begun dabbling a little in Windows Mobile development, so you might see a mobile version of Absolute one of these days!

We'll see!


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The problem still shows its horrible head from time to time, and still the only way out I have found is a complete uninstall/reinstall. I wish I knew what is causing it, because your software makes me much more productive...

And for the portable device version, if you have an estimated release date, it would save us some development work here.


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Let me know when it happens again. I still have hope of figuring this one out.


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Oh, and as for the mobile device version, don't hold your breath. When I say 'dabbling', I really mean 'dabbling'. There something of a learning curve to go through, I'm sure. I've only just installed the developer tools. There will be a signification porting effort, for sure. I'll probably start simple, with just 'telnet' connections. Then, I can add SSH2 and SSH1 at a later point.

Are you currently developing something for mobile? Are you using SSH2, telnet, or what?


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The mobile device version is going quite well. I think it helps that my code is straight C/C++ using the Win32 API. Last year, I already went though a big UNICODE conversion, which the Mobile version would have required anyway. Doing the Mobile port has actually highlighted a few places where I was still relying on some ANSI functions. For the first cut, it will be telnet only. Does that work for you?

Here's how it's gone so far...

Day 1&2: Bring the code over and try to compile. Cut out EVERYTHING that's not necessary for telnet (toolbar, statusbar, ssh1, ssh2, serial, dialup, printing). Once compiled, of course it crashes!

Day3: Get it to at least run without crashing.

Day4: Establish the first telnet connection to the host and run through some tests. Seems to work well.

The thing that might take a while is the dialogs and menus for option setting. Those don't port well over to CE becaused they're all sized for larger screens. However, most options fail over to some fairly vanilla defaults that should work until the real dialogs are ready. Initially, it would be enough to provide settings for hostname, port, and terminal type.

The other part I'm not sure about is how to deploy to physical devices. Currently, I'm only running it in the emulator. From what I've read, deployment is a bit more difficult for CE programs because different devices may have different architectures and processors, requiring different builds of the software. The device designer may also decide to supply (or not supply) some components the program requires.

Which device, specifically, are you interested in deploying on? Perhaps you can be an early tester in this whole thing?

