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Feature Request - Shell Keepalive

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I read your thread with another user asking about adding a shell keepalive (sending a LF or CR every so often), and understand your concerns with such a feature. However I work as an engineer on the GE network, and attempting to get the timeout increased for access to all GE routers and switches would take weeks or months, and would likely never be approved.

Could you perhaps add a registry setting, or an .ini file that might support doing a shell keepalive? That way users wouldn't be able to just stumble across it in the settings panels.

The ability to keep my (telnet) connections open by sending a CR every 5 mins or so, would really help me.

BTW. I've been an avid user of AbsoluteTelnet for over 6 years now. It's a great product, but I'd love it if you had an upgrade option every year instead of having to repurchase it. Your current pricing options don't really encourage/reward customer loyalty... Just a suggestion... 🙂

Member Admin
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1375

I'll consider adding the keepalives.

BTW, you *can* get a discounted upgrade. Check your 'my account' page. There should be a link.

Active Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 5

I'll 2nd this request as well. I often run into cases where I return to my desk to discover the work I was doing has been interrupted by the connection timing out and being disconnected. I don't generally leave an open session without saving open files, etc. But it would often be nic to be able to resume a current session without having to login all over and start from scratch again. This is especialy tru when I have had to jump through multiple hoops to get to a particular environament/setup for wht I'm working on and now have to retrace those steps.

BTW, Great Product - I recommend it to all the folks I know who could use it.

