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Direct dial-up file transfer between 2 PCs

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We're a couple of volunteers setting up PCs in the remotest villages of India in the state of Rajasthan. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated--

PROBLEM: To keep costs low, we want PC1 to dial directly into PC2 and transfer files both ways (without Internet). Both PCs running Win XP SP3 have the eval version of AbsoluteTelnet (AT). When PC1 dials PC2:
a) PC2 does not pick up the call
b) there is no place where I can set user accounts or any host settings on PC2. There are user name/pw on SSH1 & SSH2 tabs but not on the dialup tab.

If this works, we can buy the licensed version of AT.

Need assistance urgently as we have some goals to meet. Thank you for your time and help.

Best regards

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telnet, ssh1, ssh2 require a network connection and are not designed to run in peer-to-peer-mode. Here are a couple of options for you:

Option 1
1. set up PC1 as a dialup server and allow PC2 to use dialup networking to establish a small network over the phone
2. Install an SSHD server (winsshd or cygwin) on PC1 and use AbsoluteTelnet on PC2 client to SSH into it.
3. Use the SFTP capability of AbsoluteTelnet to transfer files

Option 2
1. In Absolute, connect to the com port of the modem on PC1 tell it to answer calls using modem 'AT' commands (ATS0=1)
2. In Absolute on PC2, use modem to dial phone number of PC1
3. PC1 will answer and establish connection.
4. On PC1, operator initiates send of a file using zmodem
5. On PC2, operator initiates receive of file using zmodem.

Option 2 is how we used to share files when I was a kid (late eighties) using a terminal emulator and zmodem file transfer. It requires an operator at both ends usually to setup, establish the connection and operate the file transfer.

Option 1 is more like setting up a small private network, then using network client tools to control the file transfer. Once the setup is done, an operator is generally only required on the client side.

If you're interested in trying either of these, let me know and I can go into further detail.



Member Admin
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1376

Can you provide an update on your progress with this?
