
Starlink - usage wi...
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Starlink - usage with

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Just installed a Starlink satellite dish and modem. Generally works well, but it's raining and we're suffering micro outages. These are enough to drop and kill my telnet sessions.
Signing in yields the message
Failure in socket operation WSAGetOverlappedResult. Timed Out
Are the any options to have a retry attempt to make connections more resilient?

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That's a system level thing. When connections go down, sockets are terminated and sessions closed. There's not much the client software can do. HTTP connections generally don't suffer from this as badly because they don't maintain a connection. After an outage, you just refresh your page and you're still where you left off. Telnet and SSH do have issues because they maintain live constant connections

Where are you located, and what kind of applications do you run over telnet?

Just off the top of my head, there may be a few things to alleviate the condition, though... But it may take some Googling, I'm willing to help if I can....

1. Increase the timeout value at the windows level? There may be some starlink-specific recommendations you can find. I'm sure you're not the first one with this problem. Requires some googling to know if this is possible

2. Change timeout settings in starlink itself?

3. If your on a system that supports 'screen', try that. 'screen' is a host-side app that maintains a session in the background even when the connection to it goes down. You can disconnect and reconnect and be back where you left off. Because it sits between your host applications and the client side, there can be some screen rendering side-effects, but it may be your best option.

4. Other screen-like applications found by googing: dtach, abduco, tmux, mosh but I have no direct experience with them.

5. Setting 'keepalives' in AbsoluteTelnet/SSH. This won't revive a dead connection, but it will keep an idle connect warm to prevent disconnection. I'm not sure it will help in this scenario, but worth mentioning at least.

6. Maybe use Linux as your client OS. I think there are more configurable options and different link disconnect behaviors there.

If you find any other recommendations, let me know.
