When in a telnet session, the mouse pointer is an arrow when positioned in a frame but when it's moved into the window it changes to a vertical bar and changes color. Depending on the background, it becomes very hard to see the pointer. Is there a way to control the color or shape? I noticed similiar behavior when working through HELP. When hovering over text, the pointer becomes a bar and when hovering on the background it is an arrow.
[size=1][ December 22, 2004, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]
Windows mouse pointer shapes can be modified through the Windows control panel. There is an option there for 'mouse' where you can choose various pointer sizes. The one you want to modify is the 'text select' which usually looks like an I-Beam. Click on 'text select' and then 'browse' for another icon. There are various sizes and shapes of I-Beams available, depending on which version of Windows you are running. One should suit your tastes.
That fixed me up. Thanks for the help.