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I am trying to replace some Wyse WY-150 terminals attached to a HP Unix server (SCO OpenServer Rel 5) running a medical package. I am not UNIX trained but have Mainframe (IBM) and Windows Training. The PC's have XP installed. I can get the application to run with this product but does not function well. Especially movement in menues from one topic to another.

I tried the online documentation but don't understand many of the telnet/Unix terms. Beside wanting to use the PC's as terminals I also would like to download some files to my PC for use with other applications.

Where can I get documentation and help. If this can work, and I am sure it can, I would like to obtain a site license (10-15 users) for this product utilizing Company check.

John Abbott

[size=1][ December 03, 2002, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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AbsoluteTelnet does not know any of the Wyse emulations, but may work with your app using another emulation type (vt100, xterm, etc...)

If it is *mostly* working, but the display is not quite right, this may indicate there is something that needs to be fixed. What I would need from you is a session logfile (File->Open LOG/ File->Close LOG) of your entire session plus a screen snapshot of the final result showing what was displayed wrong.

File transfer can be accomplished from the UNIX command prompt, but requires your host have the right package installed. Try typing 'man rz' and 'man sz' to see if you have the zmodem packages installed.


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I am trying to emulate a package called FacetWin.
Does that help at all?

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FacetWin is another terminal emulator package, so what I think you mean is that you'd like to use AbsoluteTelnet to replace FacetWin as a terminal client. Is this correct?

Most telnet clients can emulate many terminal types such as VT100, ansi, xterm, vt102, wyse60, IBM-3270, etc.. The software running on your host (in this case your medical package) will usually determine which you need to have. A *smart* server-based application would detect which terminal type you are using and adjust itself accordingly. Not all packages are made this way, unfortunately.

If your system REALLY requires the specific features of a WYSE-150 terminal, AbsolteTelnet will not work for you, as none of the WYSE terminal types have been implemented yet. If, however, your application is smart enough to use other terminals, you should be able to use AbsoluteTelnet in one of the modes it supports.

You can change the terminal type in AbsoluteTelnet through the Options->Properties->VT Options->Terminal Type menu. Then, the next time you connect, the host is told what terminal type you are using. To make sure that your client and host agree, check the TERM environment variable like this:

echo $TERM

at the command line to make sure it reflects the choice you made in the client.
