
Scanning Via COM po...
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Scanning Via COM port

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I have AT 3.80 on windows 2000 pro and im trying to get my scanner working. I have already checked the configuration and the settings on the computer and on the gun are the same:

Bits per second: 38400
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None

And I was wondering if there were any specific prefix's or suffix's that i would need so that i could use the scanner.

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First, it would help me if you could describe your system setup a little bit and then perhaps I can make some suggestions.

What systems are you using AbsoluteTelnet to connect to?

What type of scanner do you have (brand, make, model)?

What are you using the scanner to do?




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We are useing AT to connect to Foursite 4.5 (made by: Provia) and useing it in our warehouse.

AT is on 6 different truck-mounted touch screen computers (Intermec 5055's) all conected to our wireless network. The scanners (Symbol LS 3408's) are conected to the touchscreens via COM port 1 on all the truck mounts.

We use the scanners to recive pallets into our warehouse by scanning the barcodes on the sides, putting all the info we used to put in by hand at a crt. Info includes: pallet ID, Lot #, Location, and Quantity. All of these things are in barcode form.

My question is that i have already contacted the makers of the scan gun and they say that we might need to have a specific prefix or sufix for AT to recognize the data transmited from the scan gun since HyperTerminal can recive the data.

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Great description!

So AbsoluteTelnet connects via telnet to the server and runs the application over the telnet connection. You want the barcode data to come in the serial port from the scanner and pass through AbsoluteTelnet to the application running on the server.

Sounds right?


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Absolutly 😀

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Where are you setting the serial settings? In AbsoluteTelnet?

What software have you installed for the scanner?

Do you use the keyboard wedge?


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I have only changed two settings in AT the Bits pre second from 57600 too 38400 and Flow control from hardware too none. I changed the Bits because this scanner only goes to 38400 and i changed the Flow control because the support for the scanner said it might help.

Too my knowlage there is no software for the scanner but there are alot of settings i can change on it.

I don't know what a keyboard wedge is and that might be part of the problem, could you please explain what a keyboard wedge is.



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Here's the deal. I think I'm beginning to understand.

First, AbsoluteTelnet can only connect to one thing at a time. When you telnet into your application, the serial port is not in use and is ignored. When you connect to a serial device, no telnet connection is active. One connection at a time, see? There is no functionality (in Absolute) to read data from the serial port and send it out the telnet connection.

To my knowledge, Hyperterminal is the same way.

Now, with that understanding, you *can* use either hyperterminal or AbsoluteTelnet to *TEST* that the scanner is hooked up properly and that data is coming across the serial port. To do so, configure the serial port with the proper comm settings (as you did) and give it a shot. In Absolute, after you configure the serial port, you still need to connect it by either using the File->Connect option or the little yellow lightning bolt on the toolbar. Be sure, though, that the 'direct to com' tab is the chosen one in Options->Properties->Connection and the serial settings there are correct. Now scan something and you should hear the gun beep and see the data come to the terminal. It doesn't GO anywhere, but at least you know you're hooked up properly. Remember, with only one connection at a time, you can't both receive data from the gun and be connected via telnet to your application at the same time.

Again, to my knowledge, Hyperterminal operates the same way.

Ok, so now you want to know how to get the data into your app...

One option, if your vendor provides it, is a software driver whose job it is to read the serial port and basically 'type' the data into the app as if it where being entered at a keyboard. In this mode, AbsoluteTelnet is connected to your server via telnet. The app on the other side (foursite) is waiting for a barcode to be entered. When you scan an item, the barcode data gets 'typed' into AbsoluteTelnet and sent to the server. AbsoluteTelnet doesn't know (or care) if the data was actually typed at the keyboard or entered by the scanner.

If no software driver is available, your other options is the 'keyboard wedge'. The wedge is a cable that actually lets you plug your scanner into the keyboard port of the PC. The operation, then is the same as with the software driver, with the scanner 'pretending' to be a keyboard. From AbsoluteTelnet's point of view, barcode data looks simply like data typed in. The Symbol *does* have a wedge available, but I'm not sure if it comes in the standard kit or if it comes separately. I also checked to make sure the 5055 has a keyboard port. It does.

Does any of this help?


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Yes it does help alot, I'm going to check if the keyboard wedge is an option for us.

Thank you very much for help, it is much apriciated.


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There's also the possibility for a future option that would implement some sort of 'crossover' connection where AbsoluteTelnet would take the data from the serial port and feed it out the telnet connection. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this one, though. I'm sure there are other available options out there today.


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If you don't have the keyboard wedge cable, there are some software alternatives (software wedge vs. hardware wedge): These all have free trial versions...

<link to old version removed>($89)

<link to old version removed>($14.99)

<link to old version removed>($12.95)

And lastly, a good description (better than mine) of what a keyboard wedge is:  

This post was modified 9 months ago 2 times by bpence

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Thank you very much we have our system up and running now.

Best regards,


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I'm glad I could help.

What solution did you finally settle on?


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We decided to get cps plus and use that in combonation with AT on our touch screens. Everthing is going smoothly now, and if we ever have any questions in regards to AT you can be sure i'll ask you.
