
Another possible ke...
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Another possible key mapping problem

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I recently upgraded from a much older version to Abs Tlnt 6.12 after many happy years on the previous version. I run mostly ssh2 sesssions to Linux systems (FC3 and CentOS), bash shell. It's my workhorse application, probably in use 3-4 hours a day on average, with 10-15 sessions open at one time to multiple machines.

With the new version I no longer get previous and next command lines from the bash history file with the up-arrow and down-arrow keys when connected to a CentOS system. These keys simply move the screen curson up and down instead of being converted to command line history. FC3 is still working ok in this regard on the new version. Looks like an OS issue, not AbsTlnt, no?

Not quite, because other clients (e.g. Putty) to the same CentOS system *do* give the correct behavior, i.e. previous and next command lines from the up and down arrow keys. And actually, on the FC3 system, hitting some control key combinations in AbsTlnt then seems to have also lost the correct up and down arrow behavior even on that system. There now seems to be some sort of weird interaction between the mappings of these keys within AbsTlnt and those in bash (readline?)

Anone able to thread a path through this jungle?

[size=1][ February 27, 2008, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1375

Which version were you using previously? Do you have custom key mapping defined or do you use the standard key defs?

Can you re-install your previous version and see if the problem goes away?

