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Hi, sorry if this question is too silly - but I am a newbie.
I am just doing some first tests (version 3.8), and almost everything is doing fine.
What I am not able to do is to "activate" history functions. Even if I choosed to show the vertical scrollbar, when I use a server command that brings a lot of lines of output, I can't scroll up more then ~ 20 lines.
Is there another place to configure the "buffer size" then just activating the vertical scrollbar ?

[size=1][ May 09, 2005, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 1375


In order to be able to diagnose your problem, I need a little more information. First, a logfile of your session will likely tell the story. Use the File->Open LOG command at the beginning of a session and the File->Close LOG at the end of the session to capture session information that will help me reproduce the problem. During the session, perform the actions that reproduce the issue, then close the logfile and mail it to me.

(bpence at



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After looking at the logfile, it seems that your problem lies in the fact that you are using the Windows telnet server. It seems that almost all telnet servers that run on Windows essentially run a DOS command prompt on the server side and screen-scrape the data to send to the telnet client. Usually, this results in the server re-painting the telnet window over and over again, instead of actually scrolling.

You can try other telnet servers and get better results, but this depends on the other server recognizing a scrolling event in the DOS window and communicating this to the client properly. You're going to have to do some trial and error with this, but I'd be grateful if you posted your findings here!

I did try a windows SSH server WinSSHD ( and it seems to handle scrolling pretty well. However, this IS an SSH server and not telnet.

The short answer is that the scrolling capability is more a function of the Windows telnet server, so you'll have to try a few to find one that suits you.

