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Help a n00b with remote printing...

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I am allowing users to connect via the internet to my AIX server with ssh. Can I use Absolute Telnet to give them some method of printing from the AIX print susbsystem? I am open to any suggestion as long as it allows me to use the AIX queues to submit jobs to a remote printer that is locally attached to the users PC/network and the traffic flows on the ssh tunnel. I am a healthcare provider so I must comply with HIPAA. If this is possible, any details on setting it up would be most helpful.

[size=1][ December 20, 2006, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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As I see it, you have only one option. It would involve setting up an lpd server on the Windows PC, plus some server-to-client port forwarding to link the server's print queues to the waiting lpd. This arrangement would be a bit tedious to set up, as it would require you to set up a print queue in AIX for each PC that is connecting in, install an lpd server on each PC, and assign a port number SSH for each workstation to listen to for lpd requests from the AIX print subsystem. Print traffice will be encrypted in an SSH forwarded channel

If you have the flexibility to bypass the AIX print queues, you can use the terminal's passthru printing capabilities to print directly to the printer. This would require NO additional print queues, NO port forwarding, and NO addition lpd software. Print traffic would still be encrypted in the SSH session, but would go through the terminal channel rather than a separately forwarded channel.

Of course, if you have the option to pass the print traffic outside the SSH encryption, you have many other options.

I'd be happy to work with you on this. Let me know if any of the options above appeal to you.


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Have you had a chance to try my suggestions?

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Hey Brian,

I just get back in the office, so I'm going to give it a try today. Unfortunately, I have no option to bypass the AIX print subsystem or pass data outside the ssh tunnel. I appreciate the help.


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Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1375

Can you give us an update on your progress with this?
