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I have succesfully tested AbsoluteTelnet for connectivity via a VPN (Intel NetStructure). However, when the same is attempted from behind a firewall I can not achieve a connection.

I notice that connections are attempted to various ports at [url= ][/url] although this is not target of the connection.

What permissions are required to use AbsoluteTelnet from behind a firewall?


Alex Kerr

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It depends on how restrictive your firewall is... SSH communicates on port 22 by default, but many firewalls are only configured to let certain types of traffic (such as http on port 80) through. In such cases, ssh will not work unless you change to a different port or have your system admin allow traffic across port 22.

If you have access to the SSH server, you can configure it to listen on a different port, say... 80 or 81 (two ports commonly used for web server). Then, your firewall can't tell the difference between AbsoluteTelnet and a web browser. And, as always, the data in your SSH stream is encrypted. When using non-default ports, just make sure that the client and the server agree on the number.

The connections to are the software's attempt to check for a new version of itself. If successful, it will check at most once a week. If not successful, it'll check each time you start the program. It does it in the background in a separate thread and should not affect the application in any way.
