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With version 2.0 I have problems with diacritic. To version 1.84 has been diacritic O.K.

[size=1][ November 11, 2002, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Could you give me some screen snapshots and logfiles (File->Open LOG)?? That would help me figure out the problem.

Also, what translation settings are you using? Check Options->Properties->Appearance to be sure.

Oh yes, and try a couple of different fonts to be sure you have one that contains the diacritics.

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I use translation LATIN2 and font Courier New from under Absolute Telnet available options Courier, Courier New, Fixedsys, Lucida Console and MS Mincho. In other applications under WINXP are these fonts displayed correctly. Under Absolute Telnet are some fonts (for example s, t) without consideration to type of fonts and type of translation displayed without diacritic as square, a question mark, etc.

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I could still use a logfile and a screen snapshot in both Absolute 1.84 and 2.00 showing where the differences are. To take a screen snapshot, all you have to do is hit alt-PrintScreen and then paste it into Windows' Paint and save to a file to mail to me.

I'd really like to figure this out for you, but I need this extra information.

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I received your e-mail and the snapshots you provided were most helpful.

After some testing, I've determined that your translation setting of Latin2 (Central European ISO-8859-2) is NOT what you want precisely.

In version 1.84, when you choose Central European script under the font dialog, what you get is actually called Windows CP1250. This is *NOT* ISO Latin2, but rather a Microsoft variant that is supposed to operate as a superset of Latin2.

In version 2.0, what you need to choose is Win1250 (Central European) in the translation dropdown. Then you will see exactly the same characters as you did in version 1.84. However, this setting is only available in version 2.01 and above, which is still in beta. You can get it here:

[url= ][/url]

Please download it and let me know how it works for you!

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by now it`s O.K. Thank you for support.
Best regards

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excuse me, but beta version is already expired. What just now?

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The new beta was posted today. You can pick it up at the same location.

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Sorry, Brian,
I have anew the same problem with expired beta version.

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Again, you can pick up the new beta here:

[url= ][/url]

This beta now contains enhanced support for passthru printing including support for international character sets and character set translations.
