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fonts & screen appearance

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I read a previous request for info on fonts.
We have a font from pro comm called pcplus which is what most of our users used till now. Before I can sell them on using absolute< I think I will have to emulate as close as possible what they have now. How do I bring this font in. Also I am getting poor image display going into your forums. The questions are difficult to read while the answers are very legible. Thank you for your time.

PS I am pretty sold on your product and hope to be able to persuade management to purhase it for our site. Once again thank you

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Samuel, in order to tell you more, you'd have to send me a copy of the font. I take it from the name that this is a Procomm Plus font??? If it is installed in Windows and is suitable for AbsoluteTelnet to use, it *should* appear in the font dropdown. If something is wrong with it, it might not display as a choice. To be sure, I'd have to see a copy of it. To do this, copy the file from Control Panel->Fonts and e-mail it to me.

You may, however, wish to check with your users and see if some of the other built-in Windows fonts would be suitable.

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I received the font via e-mail and had a look at it. It doesn't seem to be anything special, and is actually quite poorly defined which means it won't work with AbsoluteTelnet.

What I did notice about it, though, is that it seems to be a DOS/OEM type font (or more specifically, a CP437 font) which includes all the characters you'd expect for a DOS application, including line draw characters, etc...

You can get this kind of font display using almost any of the Windows built-in fonts by using the "IBM/DOS/OEM" character translation setting now available in AbsoluteTelnet version 2.00 under Options->Properties->Appearance. It is important to note, however, that the character translation occurs when data is received, so data that is already on the screen will not be affected when you change this option.

Specifically, some fonts that support this are: Courier NEW, Lucidia Console, and Andale Mono.

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> font??? If it is installed in Windows and is > suitable for AbsoluteTelnet to use, it
> *should* appear in the font dropdown. If

If I may ask, how does one define "suitable for AbsoluteTelnet to use"? I seem to have about 6 in my drop-down box, and Times New Roman isn't one of them. Not that I want that one, mind, but if any should show up....

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"suitable for AbsoluteTelnet to use" in more specific terms means fixed-space. Times New Roman is a proportionally spaced font.
