A few months ago I asked a question about turning off the colours after entering vi (or vim in linux).
You told me to set up a .vimrc file, enter 'set background=dark' and that would solve the problem, and it did... until I installed 4.01.
I haven't changed any configuration on the Linux sided, yet when I use vi the colours are back. It's like it's no longer reading .vimrc.
I tried entering :set background=dark once I entered vi, but the colours are still there.
The colours wouldn't be too much of a problem but the yellows and light blues are really hard to see and hard on the eyes.
Any suggestions?
[size=1][ November 16, 2005, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]
Remember, though, that the command did not make the colors go away. It just changed the color definitions to something brighter that should look better on a dark background.
One thing that may affect this is the color setting on Options->Properties->Appearance on the radio buttons labed 'use windows defaults', 'use ansi defaults', etc... Which radio button is selected?
The "Use Connection colors" is checked.
After loggin off then back on, it appears to have returned to normal. The character stay red on a grey background, exactly what I wanted.