
A resurfacing probl...
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A resurfacing problem

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A few months ago I asked a question about turning off the colours after entering vi (or vim in linux).
You told me to set up a .vimrc file, enter 'set background=dark' and that would solve the problem, and it did... until I installed 4.01.

I haven't changed any configuration on the Linux sided, yet when I use vi the colours are back. It's like it's no longer reading .vimrc.

I tried entering :set background=dark once I entered vi, but the colours are still there.

The colours wouldn't be too much of a problem but the yellows and light blues are really hard to see and hard on the eyes.

Any suggestions?

[size=1][ November 16, 2005, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Remember, though, that the command did not make the colors go away. It just changed the color definitions to something brighter that should look better on a dark background.

One thing that may affect this is the color setting on Options->Properties->Appearance on the radio buttons labed 'use windows defaults', 'use ansi defaults', etc... Which radio button is selected?


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The "Use Connection colors" is checked.

After loggin off then back on, it appears to have returned to normal. The character stay red on a grey background, exactly what I wanted.
