Hi Brian,
I have been a happy user of AT for many years now but one thing that often still catches me out frequently is the copy & paste functions. I'd like to be able to use CTRL-C and CTRL-V for copy and paste. Purely a habitual thing but it catches out everyone who uses AT at some point I'm sure.
I would like to have maybe a radio button in VT Options to be able to select CTRL-C and CTRL-V instead of CTRL-Insert and SHIFT-Insert for cut & paste. Alternatively, a method to achieve this using the key mapping would be helpful but I haven't been able to get that working yet.
Cheers and keep up the good work
Guy Kelly
You're in luck! You can do this already with the key mapping. Just add a mapping for cntr-c to the text 'CMD-copy' and add another mapping for ctrl-v to the text 'CMD-paste'.
Check out this page for this and other special mappings: