
List of telnet comm...
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List of telnet commands = where?

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I downloaded the trial and have done a search on the Net for a comprehensive guide to telnet commands. Most of what I've found is a short list of mv, cp, etc. Is there anything out there that goes into more detail?

Also, when I try to run the command "rz" or "lz", I get a command not found. Right now, I'd really like to be able to transfer files.

Thanks - L.

[size=1][ April 22, 2002, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Those aren't 'Telnet' commands. There really aren't any 'Telnet' commands. Telnet is simply the protocol that gets you where you're going. In your case, it looks like you're connecting to a UNIX host, so you'll be needing a primer on the UNIX 'shell' (The UNIX equivalent of a DOS command prompt). I'd start with 'Unix in a Nutshell' You can get it here from Amazon:

[url= ][/url]

That'll be a good start. But, before you get going, you may want to check out the SSH protocol available in AbsoluteTelnet if you're connecting to remote machines over the internet. It's like telnet, but encrypted and secure, where telnet is very vulnerable because everything is sent as clear text (including your password).

As for rz and sz, those are commands implemented by the optional rz/sz file transfer package. Not all systems will have this installed, so you might need to talk to your sysadmins. Sometimes the rz and sz commands are named lrz and lsz, so you might want to look around a bit as well.
