Is there a way to show the current path (pwd output) in the Windows Panel where you display the "tnt" file name and Absolute Telnet version?
If you're using the BASH shell, you can use the 'PROMPT_COMMAND' variable to do it.
Mine is:
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}\\007"'
The \\033]0; begins a sequence that passes the remainder of the string to the window title bar. The \\007 terminates the sequence. The stuff in the middle displays the username, hostname, and current working directory.
If you're using RedHat Linux, just switch your terminal type to 'xterm' (logout and login) and RedHat will set this automatically.
There may be other ways to do this with other systems/shells. The key is to find a mechanism that fires at every prompt, so it can follow you as you change directories.
Here's a good article that includes examples for different shells:
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