
Telnet Connection F...
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Telnet Connection File

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07/20/02 10:32pm mst
Hello Brian:
I am running win me, on a P3-450, and for the
life of me I cannot get a connection file up and
going. I'm following the directions implicitly,
but nothing happens with my OS and telnet, no
menu's come up to choose a new Absolute Telnet
Connection File, and there are NO prompts at any
I'm not particularly ignorant, I have 2 masters
and I used to beta test modems for Cygnetics out
of Berkeley(Lots of years ago), but now, I am a novice.
Jim S Parlapiano

[size=1][ July 29, 2002, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Two ways this can be done:

1. From Windows:

Right click on your desktop (or any windows folder, subfolder, etc...) and click on "New->"
Choose "AbsoluteTelnet Connection" from the menu.
Set the options for the connection, then click 'ok'. This will create the connection file on your desktop, which you can then double-click at any time to load and use....

2. From the app

Choose Start->Programs->AbsoluteTelnet->AbsoluteTelnet to start the program. Use Options->Properties->Connection to set the required connection options. Choose File->Save As to save the connection options to a "connection file" for later use.
