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opening multiple windows with one password

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For the most part I really like 3.13, but I can't figure out the most important feature to me which is how to open multiple windows without having to put my password in everytime. I am connecting to 1 host and I put in my username and cryptocard generated password, then when I choose "open -> new window" it wants me to put in a new password. I typically run 6 ssh2 windows to this host and there is nothing more annoying than to have to put in password after password after password. If someone could help me with what I need to do so that it will open new instances under my 1 active connection I would really appreciate it.

[size=1][ July 09, 2004, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Sounds a bit complicated given that you need one-time passwords, the server must know you are authorized and you authorize by putting in your one-time password....
I am using SSH with (sigh) fixed passwords so I don't have that problem....


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I'm by no means an expert in security and am not sure exactly how the cryptocard 1 time passwords work, I'm happy enough knowing they do 🙂
I do know that I use another SSH program that allows me to open up all the windows I want once I put in 1 password and so I know it is possible, just not if AbsoluteTelnet will let me. I don't know how the other program sorts it out, but I know I can start a long code running in one window and move to window after window doing this repeatedly with only a single password. If I can't get Absolute to do this then I'm going to have to go back to the old stuff I guess.

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I am sure Brian will fix this problem. As a "security-interested" user I am a bit curious to know how this has been implemented though... We are using one-time passwords for VPN (hardware keyrings with a code that changes every minute + a PIN) and they are really *one*-time passwords so it is not possible to reuse one for later login.
Some kind of shell-spawning and virtual TTY:s is my guess. I am using CygWin's X-Windows Server and tunnel this through Absolute Telnet's SSH connection to the local computer, this way I have several windows open (including editors etc.)


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What is this other SSH program? Do the additional sessions show up as multiple windows in the same application or as separate instance of the application?

I have to assume that the authentication is being done only once, as that is all your one-time password scheme will allow. It must be that additional ttys and shells are spawned under the original SSH session.

The paradigm (so far) for AbsoluteTelnet is that each instance of the application hosts a single SSH session and a single tty. This limitation is not imposed by the SSH specification, so other applications can do more complicated things.

This is not something that can be quickly implemented in AbsoluteTelnet, but I can certainly check into it.

