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Version 9.15

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I've just updated to the latest version as suggested in your email.
But whenever I try to transfer files I get 2 error boxes, the first saying
Trying to close handle I didn't open in c:\celestial\source\cscommon\cs/istreampipe.h line 70
the second saying the same but line 142.

This happens for every single file that is transfer.

Please could you help urgently

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Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 1375

Thanks for the post, Chris. I think I found the issue. Please try this version:

<old link removed.  Go to downloads for the latest version>


This post was modified 4 months ago by bpence

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That has fixed the transfer problem, but now all my saved sessions have lost their icons, and I can't update the properties of them from windows. Although if I double click them they still open and connect.

Trying to install this it did complain about the previous version not being uninstalled, so I had to uninstall and then reboot before it would install.


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Did you reboot *after* the install?

Did that help?

I haven't been able to reproduce this so far. If you are still experiencing this problem, I'll need to gather more information.


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I did reboot after the removal of the previous version and after the installation of this version, but it still didn't show the icons or allow me to edit the properties.

BUT... about 2 days ago they suddenly came back to life, or at least some of them. I can now edit the properties, and some of the icons are back but not all. Most odd, but see the attached image

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Image was too big... try again

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This time too big in dimensions

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This version has said it will expire today, is there a release version that i can install which will allow me to do SFTP transfers?

Thank you

Member Admin
Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 1375

Try now:

Beta Testing

This post was modified 4 months ago by bpence
