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version and the web page. Great job!!!

I just wanted to let you know that in any browser except internet explorer, your home page for the site pushes the posts on the other side of the title bar. This is apparent in safari as well as firefox. Looks like IE is the only web browser reading the cr on the title bar. Just wanted to let you know so you might have a template bug somewhere.

Just picked up the update to 7 today. Looking forward to using it!

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I'm having a bit of trouble with the front page, creating something that resizes well and also works equally well in both IE and Safari. I get different behavior in each that I can't exactly explain. I can fix it for one browser, but then the other one performs sub-optimally. Not sure what the difference is.


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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 7

I see the following with the firebug plugin for firefox. Don't know if it is related to your issue.

