
Winsock error-WSAGe...
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Winsock error-WSAGetOverlappedResult failed

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We have several stations that are using AbsoluteTelnet software.
We experienced serious winsock error issues recently.
When we get the following messages, AbsoluteTelnet will time out or frozen, and then unexpectedly close.

"WSAGetOverlappedResult failed
Winsock error: Connection Aborted"

It happened almost everyday, and it happened a dozen time each day.

I did some tracert, I found one of the routing path was time out.
Is any way we can improve this issue?

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Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 1375

If your router is closing the connection, you can try using keepalives.

Options->Properties->Connection->Enable Keepalives

This will work for Telnet, SSH1, and SSH2 by sending periodic packets across the session that keep the connection 'warm'.


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Hi Brian,

We did enable Keepalives feature, but we still have winsock error issue.
Do you have any suggestions for me to adjust the timing?
Please find attached example. Here is my current setting.

Thank you so much.

Member Admin
Joined: 11 months ago
Posts: 1375

Did this just recently start happening?

Do you know of any recent host or network changes?

A stack trace from the server side would help, as 'Connection Aborted' almost always means aborted by the host.

The most likely problem, though, is network failure.

Another possible cause may be anti-virus. Anti-virus may see Absolute's encrypted data stream as threatening or trigger a false-positive check for some data signature. Try turning off antivirus and see if the problem goes away. IF it does, white-list the AbsoluteTelnet application in your antivirus product so it will leave it alone.

