
won't stop bugging ...
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won't stop bugging me to upgrade

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AbsoluteTelnet v2.13, in its properties tab, only has a button to "ignore version 3.80 and below".

Apparently you're past 3.80, because every time I start it up, I get a web browser pop up. 2.13 is the latest version I have rights to download via my license.

This is incredibly annoying.

How do I fix this?

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I'm struggling to understand this. I don't know how you could be getting a web browser popup here. What does the browser say? Can you mail me a screen snapshot of it?

What you *should* get is a small dialog that politely says something like 'There is a new version of AbsoluteTelnet available' It'll tell you that you're currently using 2.13 and that the new version is 3.85. It should also include a checkbox that says 'Don't warn me of this new version any more', so you won't see this dialog again (until another new version comes out)

In the properties dialog, the reason it says 'ignore 3.80 and below is because that is the only version so far that you've told it to ignore (the previous version).

In the startup dialog, you need to check the checkbox 'Don't warn me of this new version any more'.

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I could email you a snapshot, but I assure you it is not worth the time (unless you are certain it is.. there is nothing to see). What happens upon startup is that (and this only started recently) a "new version detected" window that I am very familiar with (containing the options you describe) pops up, but is never painted - I just see the titlebar and a blank window. Shortly thereafter a full screen browser pops up with your home page.

I've tried de-clicking the "ignore version 3.80 and below" option and restarting, but no change. I don't get the option to "ignore" new versions any more..

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What version are you using? I'm familiar with a similar issue, but not with 2.13.


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?? Using 2.13...

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I've got it. There's only one thing that could possibly cause this. It's related to an error that came up later in version 3.63. The explanation is a bit complicated, but it relates to the addition in AbsoluteTelnet of Windows styles for XP.

Version 3.xx of AbsoluteTelnet added a manifest file (c:\\program files\\absolutetelnet\\program\\AbsoluteTelnet.exe.manifest) that enabled XP visual styles in AbsoluteTelnet. However, with the addition of the visual styles, some things broke, including the version notification. It wasn't fixed until version 3.80. I believe what your problem must be is this...

You're on XP, right? You must have installed a version of 3.xx that added the manifest file. You then downgraded to 2.13, but the manifest file is causing 2.13 to wig out. Just the mere existence of the manifest file causes XP to treat AbsoluteTelnet differently. Version 2.13 is not expecting the new behavior and freaks out.

To fix this, you can either delete the manifest file or uninstall/reinstall.

Let me know if this helps


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That's exactly it, thanks. Fixed.

I think I installed the newer version to see if you had fixed some particular bugs / improved some things I was looking at / etc.

Michael Stumpf

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It's a side-effect I hadn't exactly thought of. I'm not sure there's anything I can really do about it except suggest the people uninstall/reinstall. It has the unintended consequence of pissing people off, though.

Are there any bugs in the current version that remain unfixed?

The new beta has a cool full-screen mode and WYSE60 emulation:

[url= ][/url]

