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Pasting config file using direct com port on cisco route

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I am using absolute telnet for console (serial connections) on cisco routers.When I'm trying to copy and paste the text configuration, a double enter seems to happen like below:

cr1-jk1(config)#aaa new-model
cr1-jk1(config)#aaa authentication login default
cr1-jk1(config)#enable password cisco

what i would like is to appear like below when im using windows hyperterminal:

cr1-jk1(config)#aaa new-model
cr1-jk1(config)#aaa authentication login default
cr1-jk1(config)#enable password cisco

What is the setting to change this. Or is it not possible?


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Look at Options->Properties->VT Options. Look at the value of the 'Enter sends' option. Valid values are 'CR' and 'CR/LF'. If your option is set to 'CR/LF', switch it to 'CR'. If the option is already set to 'CR', then there's still a problem. Let me know here or via e-mail.

The issue is likely that AbsoluteTelnet (being a Windows application) is probably sending a CR/LF pair to denote end of line. Your router may be interpreting this as two end of line characters, which is incorrect. If you can't change this on the router, then changing the above option should take care of it. If not, there may yet be a bug to be fixed.
