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I was hoping you could expand on a bit more on the following.
* Add support for SSH style password change requests from server ?
* Extended scripting API to allow AbsoluteTelnet to be used via ActiveX



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* Add support for SSH style password change requests from server ?

This has to do with the way expired passwords are handled. The SSH protocol has a mechanism built in to allow the host to prompt a user to change their password when it has expired. The SSH Tectia server works this way and before Absolute version 8, expired passwords could not be changed using Absolute. Absolute now supports this. Please note, however, that OpenSSH uses its own mechanism for changing passwords and has always been compatible with Absolute.

Extended scripting API to allow AbsoluteTelnet to be used via ActiveX

Version 7 introduced the scripting API which allows you to write scripts to automate various things inside of Absolute. Version 8 expands the API with more commands and also allows you to control Absolute from OUTSIDE the app using ActiveX. This means that you can use Visual Basic, C#, etc to write apps to interface with Absolute. Some uses I've seen:

* One customer wrote a c# interface to Absolute to screen-scrape data from a text base legacy application for use in a web-base app
* Another customer used c# to capture the phone number of incoming calls and pull up customer records in the customer management system running on unix through Absolute.

The new API and ActiveX integration open up lots of possibilities!


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i have been upgrading since version 3. i do not know much about this api. how/where can i learn more about the api? i like to support the development of absolute telnet by upgrading but i can't see how i would be any better off with vers 8 than the version 7 that i already have. maybe if i understood more about the api i could upgrade. i am not knocking anything, just want to understand better.

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carotevi wrote:

i have been upgrading since version 3. i do not know much about this api. how/where can i learn more about the api? i like to support the development of absolute telnet by upgrading but i can't see how i would be any better off with vers 8 than the version 7 that i already have. maybe if i understood more about the api i could upgrade. i am not knocking anything, just want to understand better.

OK you got me on version 9. I just upgraded 😉

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OK you got me on version 9. I just upgraded


I'll still answer your question, though, for anyone else who might be following along.... The complete list of new features for each version can be found here:

Version History

The short list is this:

  • Dynamic Port Forwarding (finally)
  • Enhanced smartcard support (including Department of Defense CAC cards
  • Option to turn off URL highlighting
  • ASCII file transfer for SFTP
  • Thanks for your support!
This post was modified 6 months ago by bpence

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Posts: 1

i have been upgrading since version 3.
