
Crashes closing a c...
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Crashes closing a connection

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Starting a couple of weeks ago, I get random crashed when the connection is closing ("AbsoluteTelnet has encountered problems and needs to be..."). It happens most often with connections that have been up for an extended period of time (like the entire day or so) and never happens during an open connection - only when the connection is closed. I will try to save more information from the Windows crash-box and post it as well.


[size=1][ June 09, 2005, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Some more infor from the crash-box:

AppName: absolutetelnet.exe AppVer: ModName: fortilsp.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00003c48

Running Windows XP SP2 with all the latest and greatest(?) fixes/plugs/patches.

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Big chunk from the file collected by the system:

Large chunk snipped because it makes this thread hard to read.

[size=1][ June 10, 2005, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Did you recently install FortiGate? It seems to be failing in their dll (fortilsp.dll). Did the beginning of the crashes coincide with the installation of this or any other product?


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Hi Brian,
I have been running FortiGate (VPN-solution for my work) for the last year without any problems. My guess is that there is something with the combination of FortiGate and any of the latest fixes from Microsoft. I will try to find an update to the FortiGate software as well.

Will keep you posted!

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Because the failure point is identified as being within the fortigate dll, the failure information you posted gives me no information on what Absolute was doing at the time of failure.

Can you reproduce the error "at will"?

Can you run a debug version for me and let me know the results?


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It seems to be rather frequent so I should be able to see something with the debug version. Sadly, it is isolated to AT, I am running Cygwin and SmartFTP for extended periods with no strange crashes. Please provide me with details of where to find the debug version and I will give it a try.


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The difference may be in the fact that telnet & ssh sessions hold open connections for long periods of time. Web & FTP applications may be open for a long time, but the time spent in an active connection is fairly short.

I'll try to get a debug beta off to you tonight. I'll be working late. In the meantime, can you see if enabling keepalives changes your results at all? (Options->Properties->Connection) My guess is that after somer period of inactivity, FortiGate loses track of the open connection. Further activity on the connection causes a failure. If this assumption is correct, keepalives will help, but the issue should still be taken up with FortiGate tech support.


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Keep-alives are enabled per default (60 seconds for SSH1 and SSH2 connections).
I hear that you have never been speaking to FortiNet's support 🙂


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I'm sure they're not quite as responsive as I am. 😉 I've got the debug version ready. The version number is 3.85 RC10. The link below is a link to the program executable only. Just copy it to your desktop and double-click it to run. My hope is that the error box that Windows throws up will contain more detailed information on the location of the error. If not, we'll have to start switching on some debug flags. More on that later.

Try it out and let me know the results.

Beta Testing


This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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Any Word?


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Sorry for the delay... Link bad - does not work, goes to the standard download page. 🙁

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Sorry about that. Here's the correct link:

Beta Testing

You'll want to rename it AbsoluteTelnet.exe and copy it into the c:\\program files\\absolutetelnet\\program directory over top of the one that is already there. Brian

This post was modified 9 months ago by bpence

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OK. Any special settings you want me to enable on the "Debug"-tab?

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Not at first. Try running it without extra debug flags. When it crashes, the program may provide more information about the location of the crash.

If the crash info doesn't tell us any more, we'll start setting debug flags so we can isolate the location of the crash.



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