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Feature Request: Automatic copy/paste

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(Maybe something to consider for upcoming versions of AbsoluteTelnet.... 😉 )

In many *NIX implementations of a shell, there is an automatic copy/paste-scheme that works like this:

1) High-light some text in the window.
2) The high-lighted text will automatically be copied to the clipboard.
3) Click the middle-button of the mouse and the text will be inserted at the prompt.

This would of course require an option in the preferences since it changes some fundamental Windows behaviours. (In Linux/Solaris and most other UNIX:es, this is a system-wide behaviour). Anyway, this feature would really make my day 🙂


[size=1][ July 16, 2002, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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Mattias, you're in luck!!!

Look in Options->Properties->VT Options
for an option labeled 'X Mousing'

Enable it and let me know if this is what you're looking for. In all recent versions, it has been implemented to modify the mouse behavior as follows:

Left-Click(and drag) = highlight text area
Left-Click = mark the beginning of the selection
Right-Click = mark the end of the selection

(all selected text is immediately copied to the clipboard)

In the latest beta of 1.85, I have also implemented the middle-button paste for another user, which is implemented only when X-mousing is enabled. This, however, requires a true three button mouse, which excludes all Microsoft-made mice.

Of course, the very next request after I implemented middle-button paste was middle-button emulation using simultaneous left and right clicks (for two-button Microsoft mice). This, I'm still a little unsure about.

if you'd like to try the latest beta version, you can download it here:

[url= ][/url]

Interesting that Microsoft originally set the standard for mice at two buttons, citing that any more buttons would only confuse users as to their function. More recent mice from Microsoft literally have five buttons!!

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Mattias, you're in luck!!!

I really am!!!! 🙂 🙂
I've just downloaded the latest beta and it sure rocks!! Just like any *NIX terminal emulator all functions are there!

Of course, the very next request after I implemented middle-button paste was middle-button emulation using simultaneous left and right clicks (for two-button Microsoft mice). This, I'm still a little unsure about.

Luckilly, I am using a Logitech USB-mouse and the third button is emulated(?) by clicking on the wheel and it works just fine.

One thing about the BETA: the program's about box claims it is registered, but i still get the annoying( 😀 ) info window at the top of the screen changing message every now and then. I assume this just beta stuff....

Keep up the great work! Cheers,

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That info window is new in this beta, and when the final release goes out, it will be disabled for registered users.

Thanks for the feedback on the other options!!!

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If I may, I'd like to request an additional option to the Copy/Paste feature. Could there be a Windows/X Combination Mousing option where the mouse buttons act as follows:

Single and double left and right clicks work exactly as they do in Windows Mousing.

When a word/filename is highlighted using a double left click, then an automatic paste could be done using a simultaneous Left AND Right click, or single third button click, or single wheel click (depending on what buttons you have on your mouse).

This is how the Gnome Terminal works on my Fedora Core 2 box and is quite useful. If I want to copy/paste to the same window, I just double left click on the word/filename then click the wheel. If I want to copy/paste to another window, I double left click, then right click and choose "copy", then go to the other window and right click and choose "paste". Very nice.

This isn't critical, and if there's a technical reason why it's not feasible (or it will just be too much of a pain to implement) then it's not necessary. But I for one think it would be a nice option.

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So, is that a NO?

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I've been mulling this over.... So, what you're asking for is a mouse shortcut for the paste. The shortcut could be either third-button, wheel, or a 1/2 combination for mice with only two buttons.

This actually IS the way X-Mousing works in AbsoluteTelnet. Double-click a word automatically selects the word AND copies it to the clipboard. Middle button click will paste. Your question, perhaps, is how to generate a middle button click?

I think in older versions of Windows, drivers for three-button mice would simply ignore the middle button. If I remember correctly, the standard Microsoft mouse had two buttons, while the logitech mouse had three.

Today, three button mice are less common, but a middle-button click can still be generated by other means (wheel click, or 1/2 combo). However, you'll probably need to configure your mouse driver to do this. Check out Control_Panel->Mouse in Windows. You should find the 'wheel' options or button options in there that you need.


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Your question, perhaps, is how to generate a middle button click?

Not exactly. What I'm looking for is to add the copy/paste functionality that is in the X-Mousing to the Windows Mousing.

I used the X-Mousing for a while, but I would often make the mistake of right clicking to bring up the Copy/Paste window when I wanted to copy from one window to another.

When I started using the Gnome Terminal of my Fedora box more often, I found the ability to use the right click very useful when going between windows. It still has the, double click to highlight and copy and middle click to paste functionality, but a single right click brings up the copy/paste menu instead of marking the end of the section.

Having both features (auto copy/paste and copy/paste menu) available at the same time gives you the speed of doing a quick copy/paste but it also fits in with the "standard" GUI functionality of having a right click bring up a sub menu.

I suggested it as a third option, "Windows/X-Mousing" or something like that, because I realize that many people have gotten used to one or the other and would not like to see it changed.

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I find people don't mind changes in features so much, as long as proper defaults are selected to imitate the hard-coded program defaults they're used to.

For example, there seems to be two options that could be separated out from the Windows/Xmousing feature.

First is 'copy on select'. This is the ability to have all data currently selected automatically copied to the clipboard.

Second option is 'middle button = paste'

Both could default to enabled for XMousing and disabled for Windows mousing. Users could override these options if desired.

Sound good?

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I find people don't mind changes in features so much, as long as proper defaults are selected to imitate the hard-coded program defaults they're used to.

Excellent point.

I like your solution better than mine. It gives everyone more flexibility.

Sounds good.

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I was just wondering if you had any expected time frame for implementing this feature?

I'm sure that you have other, more pertinent, issues to work on, was just curious.

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So, "I'm too busy right now, I'll get to it eventually" is an acceptable answer.....I'm just curious if it's days, weeks, months, years?


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Give this a try... I've added the 'copy on paste' and 'middle button paste' options 

<old link removed.  Go to downloads for the latest version>


This post was modified 8 months ago by bpence

Eminent Member
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Very nice!

I've only tested it for a few minutes, but everything seems fine so far.

Thanks, you have no idea how many frustrating moments you've just saved me from.
