Your website says automatic login in now in 1.80. I have 1.80 but can't find that feature. How does it work?
When using SSH1 or SSH2, you are presented (at login time) a dialog box where you put your username, password, etc... On that dialog box there is a checkbox called "Remember Password". Check that box when you login and the next time you connect, it will all happen automagically. Just remember to save your connection file so all of those options will be stored permanently.
Now I understand. I wasn't using secure telnet, I thought you might have built in some scripting or something. Thanks.
You really should use SSH. In today's internet, telnet is a *bad* idea, as all of your data (including your login and password) is sent unencrypted through who knows how many hosts before it hits its destination. Lots of other neat things SSH offers, btw, including auto login, secure port tunneling, secure X11 tunneling, etc....
Many telnet programs will have "expect" scripts that are executed upon connection. This would be a very nice feature, as I find myself often typing the same set of commands upon login.
Currently, the software does not have any scripting capability, although this has been on the drawing board for some time. I hope to soon have a version that implements this, as well as the long awaited user defined key mapping.
I second the feature request for scripting. 🙂
With AbsoluteTelnet Version 7, scripting via a VBScript scripting engine is now available. I've posted a number of sample scripts, including a telnet auto login script in the script section of the website. You can access it here: