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keymap error

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When I have .tnt files on a network drive and I go to that directory, AbsoluteTelnet generates errors:

"Could not open keymap file located at ontrols_6595b64144cff1df\\keymaps\\
The system cannot find the file specified"

I've used Filemon and determined that
there are a lot more file/directories
AbsoluteTelnet tries to acces with
garbled characters in the file/dir name.
The same .tnt file on a local drive has
no problems.

The .tnt file on the network drive can
be opened and used, but if you do
"new window" the new AbsoluteTelnet
windows crashes completely, generating
a "AbsoluteTelnet has encountered a
problem and needs to close" (ModName
absolutetelnet.exe ModVer: Offset 000492fb)

Is this a know issue? Any workarounds/fixes?

cheers, Jacco

[size=1][ January 26, 2006, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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First, a couple of questions for you, but I'd like you to install 4.01 before you answer:

[url= ][/url]

1. What version of Windows are you using?

2. Is it an English version or localized?

3. Try opening the .tnt file two ways:
A. Start Absolute, choose the File->Open option, navigate to the file and open it

B. In Windows, open the folder on the network drive and double-click the icon for the connection.

Do you get the same error?

4. What happens if you go the the folder on the network and right-click the icon and choose 'properties'


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Hi Brian,

Thanks for replying so quickly!

The version I'm using is 4.01 (the install exe was
AbsoluteTelnet4.01.exe and "about" also states version 4.01)

Modversion is what Windows reports when I
look at the details of the crash report.

The answers to your questions:

1. Windows XP SP2,
2. English version
3A. This is as I described it. I can open the .tnt
file, but I get errors before opening it. So
just the opening the file dialog I get a
couple of keymap errors. Also the icons of the
.tnt files are not the tnt icons, but the
default "don't know what this is" icons.
After opening the .tnt file everything works
as expected, except for "New windows" which
crashed the new AbsoluteTelnet. The current
AbsoluteTelnet window does not crash.

3B. The explorer window does show the .tnt icons
correctly, but if I double click I get the
keymap error and crash of AbsoluteTelnet
(the same behaviour I get in 3A when doing
"New window")

4. Works like a charm, I get the Appearance,
Connection, Proxy, etc. tabs.

Hope the info helps!

cheers, Jacco

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What type of network is the .tnt file on? Just a normal MS Network
shared folder?

Is it mounted as a drive letter (s:\\mysharedfolder) or directly
referenced (\\\\myserver\\mysharedfolder)

Are you navigating to the folder using standard windows folders (my
computer or 'my network places')

Do you have any add-ons to microsoft explorer that may be considered

Can you produce this error on more than one machine?

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I'm navigating using the standard "My Computer".

There are no add-ons to the explorer.

The network drive is mounted as a drive letter,
however it's not a 'normal' network drive; it's
a shared folder through VMWare Workstation 5.
I didn't mention this earlier because I've
worked with VMWare and shared folder for years
without any problems, so I hadn't thought about

I have done some further testing and I'm now
sure it has something to do with the combination
AbsoluteTelnet and VMWare shared folders. FYI,
VMWare shared folders work like this: you can
map a drive letter (like you would for a network
share) to \\\\.host\\Shared Folders\\
I'm just guessing here, but could the "\\\\.host" be
a problem?

If I do a \\\\machine\\c$ on the VM to the host I
can open a tnt file.

However, since the drive that contains my
tnt files is not a normal drive, but a
security platform encrypted flash drive I
cannot share that drive through standard network
shares I could access from VM. So I have to
use the VM shared folders.

And I want to use AbsoluteTelnet. I've used
the SSH secure shell for years, but I
don't want to go back. A couple of weeks ago
I tested every ssh client (commercial and
freeware) to see which would meet all my
requirements and wishes, and AbsoluteTelnet
came out on top. Even though it lacks built-in
SFTP/SCP support at this time (which actually
was #1 on my wish list) I liked AbsoluteTelnet so
much I've switched to using two programs
(AbsoluteTelnet and winscp)

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Ok, let me get this straight....

AbsoluteTelnet is running in VMWare, accessing the .tnt file from a shared folder on the host OS. The shared folder is actually a secure encrypted flash drive.

Nothing unusual about that!

Are both your real OS and your virtual OS Windows XP?

Thank you for your kind words and support. I'm glad you've settled on AbsoluteTelnet. I'm sure we can work through this issue.


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what can I say...almost your typical everyday standard configuration?

But...I do need my tnt files with passwords stored
in a very secure way.

Both my guest OS that AbsoluteTelnet is installed
on and host OS is Windows XP SP2 (English)

And I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out 🙂

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I sent you an email. Did you get it?

