
Where's the License...
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Where's the License key?

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I'm guessing that I'm supposed to press "Request New License" to get a key to demo the ssh product? I got a "There was a problem sending the command to the program" dialog instead.

The license dialog box said to look on the web site to find a license key. I looked and looked and found nothing.

I then saw the Url on the error dialog box and used it to finally get to the license page. and now have a demo license.

You almost lost a potential customer because of all the extra steps I had to go through....

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Posts: 1376

Sorry for the confusion. It is certainly not my objective to make things overly complicated. The 'Request New License' button should have done what you want. Usually, you'll have the license in your inbox in under a minute.

When you get the 'there was a problem sending the command to the program', can you give me a screen snapshot of this error dialog?


1. Can you tell me what version of Windows you are using
2. Which browser is your default browser?
3. When you finally got the URL from the error box, how did you go about getting the license?

Thanks for your input. I hope that what I learn from your experience may make things easier for others!

