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Just installed the 1.82 AbsoluteTelnet and registered it on Windows 2000. Tried to make a connection to a known good Telnet address and received "connect failed" pop-up with a message "connect failed Winsock error: Connection Refused".

What is the solution? MS Telnet works.


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Check Options->Properties->Connection. Verify that the Telnet tab is selected and that the hostname is correct. Verify that the port number is the standard telnet port (23)

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The error comes up because the server did not support the SSH-2 protocol or DES. I changed the connection to SSH-1 and 3DES, according to the server properties and it works. I am doing some preliminary testing for some developers here and there server options are minimal. More diagnostic on your side of the connection would have made troubleshooting less tedious, but I like the options you have put in place. Nice App and thanks for the response. If you need more details, feel free to ask.


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Joined: 1 year ago
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AbsoluteTelnet is *supposed* to detect incompatible protocol versions, as well as incompatible sets of encryption algorithms. Were you not alerted to these things when you tried to use the wrong protocol???? Can you tell me what the server IP address is?

I'm glad it finally worked for you, though.
