
Printing from Pine
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Printing from Pine

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Is it possible to print an entire email message in Pine? I tried using the normal command Y and it pops up print to ansi attached printer but then nothing happens.

Print screen and print selection work fine.



[size=1][ December 09, 2002, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: Brian T. Pence ][/size]

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This should work just fine. At least, I am able to use AbsoluteTelnet 2.11 and Pine 4.33 with no problem.

You might want to make sure that you are using at least AbsoluteTelnet 2.00 as some of the Passhtru printing stuff was enhanced for that version. You may also want to look at the settings under Options->Properties->VT Options for Passhtru printing. You can configure it to send the data to printer or file, plus some other things that might help.

If you're still having trouble, post back here.

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One last thing.....

In my version of Pine, printing is done via the '%' (percent) key.

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Still doesn't work. I have Absolute 2.00 (how can I upgrade?) and I have Pass Through Printing set up to Always Use Default Printer and Print Direct to Printer.

It seems to be working but after the Printer Software starts it simply dies. For whatever reason this does not happen when I choose Print Screen or Print Selection from the File menu.

Any ideas?

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What make/model of printer are you using???

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Lexmark Z31

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The Z31 is what is knows as a 'WinPrinter' which means that it has almost no brains of its own and relies on Windows for just about every aspect of printing. The printer basically only knows how to print bitmapped images, so when text data comes along, windows has to build bitmapped images of the printed pages to ship to the printer (resulting in larger size print jobs when printing seemingly small amounts) A normal printer that is *not* a WinPrinter will pretty much print any text that comes its way.

For some reason, AbsoluteTelnet is not picking up on this and is still sending data directly to the printer (resulting in small job sizes for Absolute). It seems to be doing this regardlesss of the status of the 'print direct to printer' flag, which is *supposed* to control whether or not data is processed by Windows or sent directly to the printer. Text data that is sent directly to a WinPrinter will be ignored, resulting in the problem you describe.

I'll work on this and let you know what I find. However, even with a fix, 'print direct to printer' should certainly be disabled for this printer.


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Beth, I've got a first swag at this which you can download from the beta test page....

[url= ][/url]

The version number is 2.11 RC10, even though the text on the web page hasn't been updated to reflect this.

This version *should* correctly print text on your Z31 (or any winprinter for that matter) as it takes an approach similar to the print screen/selection in order to render the printed data. The 'direct to printer' flag will still send raw data directly to your printer, so this option should be *disabled*.

Remaining work for this option includes choice of printer font/point size and support for international character sets and character set translation.

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Thank-you. As this is a beta version would you like me to let you know if I find any problems?

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Plus, I'll have a few additional changes to make to the passhtru printing that'll need further testing. I'll keep you posted.
